Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A royal visitor

I was just going to put the rabbit back in hutch before going out. The rabbit's name is Hot Chocolate (or Chocky for short), and he is allowed to enjoy the freedom of running around our backyard when we are home - which he loves and gets into all sorts of mischief - but he goes back in his hutch when we're out. He is my flatmate's daughter's rabbit, but when they are away, such as they were last weekend, I get the privilege of rabbit-sitting. He is a pretty fun wee guy so of course I don't mind!

Hot Chocolate getting sad he wasn't invited to the photoshoot with my visitor...

Walking across the lawn, I saw a monarch butterfly in the grass. It was crawling, but seemed unable to fly. It was a cold cloudy morning, and I figured maybe it was just a bit cold. If there had been a patch of sun, I'd have put him in the sun for a little bit. So instead I took him inside. He wouldn't sit still, crawling everywhere. I made him up some sugar water, but he just kept trying to walk through it, and as he liked to carry his wings open, drag them through it too, which wasn't helpful. I had to go, so I just left him in my room and hoped he would be ok and that my resident praying mantis wasn't about to get an easy feed.

When I returned home in the afternoon, I was pleased to find him still in one piece, hanging out on my bed. I tried giving him some sugar water again, and this time he figured out what to do - in went his long tounge. Five minutes later he was flying around my room like a pro! He obviously just needed a little energy to get going. So I opened my door and said goodbye as he flew out into the garden.

My little royal visitor made my day, and I am glad I was able to help him on his way :)

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